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Glossary Section C: Production

Glossary Section C: Production

Production is when our video company actually starts filming, creating the scene-by-scene artwork for animations/motion graphics and/or actually animating the artwork.

Our 1 Minute Media videographers are highly experienced in setting up and operating the following filming equipment on their own, as our standard package:

  • 1 x 4K cinematic camera – we use Canon C200 video cameras or equivalent
  • 1 x second camera – on request for “locked-off” shots
  • 3-point lighting kit
  • Professional audio – including Lavalier wireless microphones for most interviews; or a boom mic (on request). 
    For event we usually plug in our cables to the event sound desk for uniterrupted recording
  • Teleprompter – operated via a iPad (on request)
  • Mounting equipment – Manfrotto tripods (or similar)
  • Gimbal – used for smooth movement shots, reducing shakiness of handheld footage (on request)

Most of our videos are filmed in a half day or full day. Unlike many of our competitors we are prepared for some of our products to offer a minimum 3-hour call out.

Here’s an approximate break-down of what can be filmed in these shoot times:

A. 3-hour shoot 

We offer a 3-hour minimum for mainly single interviews and single testimonial videos. 
The onsite time of 3 hours includes setup and packdown of equipment (about 1 hour).
A short interview of say no more than 5 questions, and if possible a little “b-roll” footage

B. 4-hour shoot (half-day)

In a 4-hour shoot we can achieve approximately 3 short interviews across 2 settings (eg two different rooms in one office location); plus some b-roll if time permits. The 4-hours includes setup and packdown.

C. 8-hour shoot (full-day)

In an 8-hour shoot we can achieve approximately 6 short interviews across 4 settings (eg two different rooms in one office location); plus some b-roll if time permits. The 8-hours includes setup and packdown.

Our videographers are trained directors and work well in conjunction with an onsite rep from the client’s own team.

However, for more complex projects, we recommend to include one of our highly esteemed directors.

Many of our clients want to be interviewed in their own videos. This is especially the case in service-based businesses, where their viewers benefit from “seeing and hearing” the service provider.

However, for some projects, our clients prefer for us to book professional talent to present for them.
Here’s a sample video with talent.


The process for finding talent:
We put a casting call on the Australian website called “” based on the clients criteria of age, gender etc. We charge a fee of $270+gst to find the talent for our client (See our Quotient templates for more information).

  1. We encourage onsite filming in client premises where possible so they can save on costs.

    Studio filming – studios we can book:
    1 Minute Media does not have our own onsite studios.
    If our clients require a studio we can book the following styles of studios for them:

    • Green screen/sound proof
    • White screen/sound proof
    • Photographic studio – cheaper but not soundproof – therefore suitable for product videos with no audio recorded during the shoot

Some of our clients can consider the following options, although these aren’t as regular for us as onsite and studios:

  • Client sources their own AirBnB – we don’t book this for them, after we had problems when a client changed dates, so we now ask them to book themselves.
    Here’s a sample video filmed at an AirBnB
  • We can hire a black or white backdrop and bring it to the client’s premises, if they don’t have suitable filming settings. Here’s a sample video filmed using a white backdrop and here’s a sample using a black backdrop.  

There’s a number of reasons that we don’t encourage filming outdoors: weather, garbage trucks and the requirement for filming permits to name a few.

Filming permits
If a client needs an outdoor shoot, it’s very important they know the cost and length of time to get a permit.
All the major cities in Australia have different requirements.
They will generally need at least 7 days to book (often more) and will be $100’s.
Our Creative Director can help with more specific information.

We can provide our clients with just about every production item they need, it’s a matter of budget.
Drone filming for example requires permits and so will need to be quoted case-by-case.

Other specialist items such as specialist sound recording, specialist lighting and more can be booked – also case-by-case.

We’re a video production specialist.
However, we have some good contacts in some cities who we can refer.
We also suggest that clients can take stills out of their 4k footage, however, these are not suitable for print.

Just like specialist filming we can organise other requests such as referals for Hair & Makeup artists.
Please note these are not part of our regular team, but we’ll help our clients to source them when needed. Our Creative Director will help with this.


For Australian voice artists, which are the majority of our clients’ requests, we book artists from “Abes Audio.”
We also book a handful of other voice artists, such as those with American accents – they are more expensive than Australian bookings usually.

Subtitles are provided at $50/150 words (approx 1-minute) +gst

We offer:

  • Animation artwork/style
  • Motion graphics and animation “Visual Storyboards” (scene-by-scene storyboards)
  • 2D animation
  • Motion graphics
  • We can provide 3D animation but it’s not requested very often

Our “visual story boards” are offered in our animation and or motion graphics packages.
These are the scene-by-scene storyboards with precise graphics for each scene.

It’s important for our clients to see and approve these ahead of the animation work, as it’s expensive to re-animate any changes.

The 2-column script only has suggestions of the visuals.
The visual story board for animation/motion graphics has exact artwork approved ahead of animating (moving the artwork).

Actually, technically not a lot.

However, at 1 Minute Media we tend to refer to each in the following way:

  1. 2D Animation – we generally mean character animation – here’s an example
  2. Motion Graphics – we generally mean text and icon animation – here’s an example

Finally, here’s an example that combines nearly all our production elements – which one’s can you see?