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Why Invest In Corporate Video Production?

Text in neon lights saying I AM BOLD

In the last couple of years, nearly two-thirds (64 per cent) of Australian businesses decided to change their marketing strategy. One of the most popular changes involves placing a greater emphasis on video production and video marketing.

Are you thinking about following suit and creating more marketing videos? If so, professional video marketing services are the way to go.

Outlined below is everything you need to know about video marketing services, their benefits, and how you can use them to grow your business.

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What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing, as the name suggests, involves using videos to achieve several goals, such as:

  • Promoting your business
  • Educating your audience on what you sell
  • Encouraging people to become paying customers
  • Attracting job seekers to apply for open positions.

You can use all kinds of videos to connect with your audience and build your brand, including social media videos, corporate interview videos, testimonial videos, and product explainer videos.

Why Invest In Corporate Video Production?

There are lots of reasons to invest in professional videography services to update your marketing strategy and grow your business.

You could grab your own camera or a smartphone and try to create videos on your own. However, you’ll see more benefits when you work with professionals, including the following:

  • Higher quality videos
  • Assistance with all aspects of the video production process, from script-writing to editing
  • Save time and money by outsourcing to experts
  • Faster turnaround time

By enhancing the quality of your videos and getting them edited and published faster, professional video services help you make a bigger impact on your audience and see better results.

How To Grow Your Business With Video Services

When you invest in the right video marketing service and create the right kinds of videos, you can experience all the benefits outlined above and more. Here are some ways that you can use video marketing to grow your business:

Tell Your Business’s Story

It’s great to write your business’s story on your website’s About Us page or add it as a post on your blog. However, not everyone wants to read paragraphs of text to learn about your company and your brand.

This is why video is so powerful. It’s a more engaging way to connect with your audience, let them know where your business came from, and share your mission and values.

Introduce Yourself And Your Team

In addition to introducing your business and telling the company’s story, you can also use video to introduce yourself and your other team members.

Potential customers might not be interested in reading long bios on your website, but they may be intrigued by short-yet-powerful videos spotlighting each person who keeps your business running.

Demonstrate Products

Your products might be self-explanatory to you because you helped develop them. To the outside world, though, it might not be clear what your products do, how they work, or what problems they can solve.

Product demonstration or explainer videos are great for answering these questions and providing more clarity to your audience.

Collect Customer Testimonials

Speaking of your audience, you can also use video marketing services to create customer testimonial videos for your website or social media platforms.

Consumers are often more swayed by testimonials — especially video testimonials — from past customers than other types of content. There’s something about seeing a real person on the screen talking about their experience that has a more profound impact on potential customers.

Spruce Up Social Media

Finally, you can use marketing videos to upgrade your social media platforms and make them look more professional. Incorporating high-quality videos created by experts will help you define your brand, grow your audience, and generate more engagement on social media.

Tips For Superior Business Videography

The process of filming marketing videos for your business can be daunting, to say the least. If you keep these tips in mind, though, you’ll have an easier time creating quality videos that produce results:

Hire A Videographer For Business

Look for a professional video marketing production company to assist with your videos. Here are some tips to help you choose the right one:

  • Review their list of services to ensure they make the kinds of videos you want
  • Read reviews from past clients
  • Ask about experience and how long they’ve been in business

Get a free quote from each videographer you’re considering, too. This will help you budget accordingly.

Set Clear Goals

If you want to see specific results from your videos, you need to start with clear goals. Decide what kind of message you want to deliver, as well as what outcomes you want to see once your video is finalised and published.

Write A Script

Writing a script is a must, especially if you’ve never made a marketing video before. A script helps you ensure you cover key points in the video and deliver your message in an appropriate and enticing way.

Draft A Shot List

In addition to writing a script, it’s also a good idea to create a shot list and share it with your videographer. This helps them ensure they capture key images of your business, your products, and your team.

Recruit The Right Participants

Whenever possible, look for team members who want to be part of your video. If you have enthusiastic people delivering your messages, you’ll have an easier time winning over potential customers and growing your business.

1 Minute Media: The Best Video Marketing Brisbane Can Offer

Video marketing is one of the best ways for your business to attract more customers and stand out from the competition. For the best outcomes, though, you need to work with the best videographers.

If you’ve been searching for high-quality video services in Brisbane, look no further than 1 Minute Media.

We are ranked number one on Google reviews among videography services providers in Australia. With years of experience, the latest equipment, and a passion for creating incredible products, we’re happy to help with all your video marketing needs.

Contact us today for a free video marketing quote in Brisbane.

Bio: As a co-founder of 1 Minute Media, Kathy has been instrumental in producing thousands of strategic videos for Australian businesses.

She has a unique background in education, service & sales, adding depth to everyone seeking to promote their business or organisation through video.